Mental health is an important facet of life, regardless of who you are, where you live or where you work. All too often we see the impacts of neglecting mental health only after it’s too late to prevent them from occurring.
It’s said that 45 percent of people in Australia – that’s almost one in every two people in the country – will have a period of their life affected by mental health conditions. Every year there are approximately a million adults in Australia who suffer depression, and twice that many with anxiety. It’s remarkably common yet not talked about enough, especially in the workplace.
Men in the workplace have their own unique mental health issues to contend with. The stereotype of the stoic male who is too tough to reach out for help and tell their friends and family what is bothering them can result in unhealthy or even fatal consequences. Shockingly, 200 people in Australia attempt suicide every day, with eight of them dying as a result.
In 2014, research revealed that the manufacturing industry had its own statistics relating to mental health. It was reported that 20.5% of workers in the manufacturing industry had a mental health condition, and 4% reported suffering from depression or a substance abuse problem.
These numbers are alarming. In response, The Drake Group has integrated a Beyond Blue mental health training program into their workplace to help change the conversation. The program trains staff and managers on how to recognise, deal and talk about mental health, and provide easy access to help. It’s critical that the team know that they will be supported and have access to resources to get them through tough times. Having a workplace that focuses on mental health means a healthier, happier and more productive team.
The Beyond Blue website offers a wide range of tools and guidance for those suffering from a mental health condition or those who around them who want to offer their support. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a personal crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.