February 4, 2020
The Drake Group has enjoyed a long relationship with Callcorr, who have themselves been in operation for over twenty years…
August 21, 2019
Robotics and automation processes have rapidly changed the way Australian businesses work in little over a decade, revolutionising everything from…
December 20, 2018
National Heavy Haulage redefined the “heavy” part of their moniker recently with a gargantuan project that took them all the…
October 18, 2018
Every month we like to take time to say “thank-you” to our customers who make our business thrive. Not only…
September 12, 2017
The Lights on the Hill Convoy is a much-cherished event in the transport community. The memorial convoy gives drivers and…
October 6, 2015
The Perth Truck and Trailer Show was the first public outing for the two trailer brands from Queensland after forming…
December 21, 2011
Said to be one of a kind, Performance Based Standards (PBS) are straining the transport industry's psyche since 2006, when…
August 4, 2016
Our Customer of the Month for August is Hong-Kong-based Tai Wah Sea and Land Heavy Transportation Limited. The privately owned…
July 14, 2016
Our customer in focus is the team at Rob Stribley Transport, a family owned and operated transport business that has…
March 25, 2016
It’s been almost a year since Drake Trailers unveiled the industry’s first 50-foot extendable, widening tilt slide trailer and in…